Satellite Named Girls Charity Project Launched

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Time :Dec-16, 2020, 11:15

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A satellite named as "Star of Spring Bud Project"  was launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Northwest China's Gansu Province, on September 19, 2019.

The satellite was launched into orbit by the Long March-11 and it would run in a 500-km sun-synchronous orbit, orbiting the Earth every 90 minutes.


The data collected by the satellite will help the development of the Spring Bud Project since the data focus on the fields of education management and medical health. By using satellite remote sensing big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, mobile Internet, virtual reality and other advanced technologies, the satellite will provide one-stop data collection service for the society.

Zhu Xisheng, Secretary-General of the China Children and Teenagers' Fund, said that the satellite will help develop the Spring Bud Project with advanced technology and give full play to the role of the project so as to further benefit the society at the naming ceremony held in the headquarters of the All-China Women's Federation on September 17, in Beijing.


This year is the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Spring Bud Project. Over the past 30 years, the project has received 2.1 billion yuan (US $296 million) in donations by 27.84 million people.

The project has aided more than 3.6 million poverty-stricken girls to receive education, built 1,811 Spring Bud schools, provided vocational education and training for more than 527,000 girls, and compiled 2.17 million safety manuals for girls.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)

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